Source code for seispy.core.velocity

# coding=utf-8
This module facilitates access to velocity model data.

.. todo::
   Make a ScalarField class to abstract behaviour in this class.

.. autoclass:: VelocityModel
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from . import constants as _constants
from . import coords as _coords
from . import geometry as _geometry

[docs]class VelocityModel(object): """ A callable class providing a queryable container for seismic velocities in a 3D volume. :param str inf: path to input file containing phase velocity data :param str fmt: format of input file """
[docs] def __init__(self, inf=None, fmt=None, topo=None, **kwargs): if inf is None: return if topo is None: self.topo = lambda _, __: _constants.EARTH_RADIUS else: self.topo = topo if fmt.upper() == "FANG": self._read_fang(inf, **kwargs) elif fmt.upper() in ("FM3D", "FMM3D"): raise(NotImplementedError(f"Unrecognized format - {fmt}")) self._read_fmm3d(inf, **kwargs) elif fmt.upper() in ("UCVM", "SCEC-UCVM"): self._read_ucvm(inf, **kwargs) elif fmt.upper() == "NPZ": self._read_npz(inf) else: raise(ValueError(f"Unrecognized format - {fmt}"))
[docs] def from_DataFrame(self, df): """ Initialize VelocityModel from a pandas.DataFrame. Input DataFrame must have *lat*, *lon*, *depth*, *Vp*, and *Vs*, fields. :param pandas.DataFrame df: DataFrame with velocity data """ df["R"] = df["T"] = df["P"] = np.nan spher = _coords.as_geographic(df[["lat", "lon", "depth"]] ).to_spherical() df.loc[:, ["R", "T", "P"]] = spher df = df.sort_values(["R", "T", "P"]) nR = len(df.drop_duplicates("R")) nT = len(df.drop_duplicates("T")) nP = len(df.drop_duplicates("P")) nodes = df[["R", "T", "P"]].values.reshape(nR, nT, nP, 3) self._nodes = _coords.as_spherical(nodes) Vp = df["Vp"].values.reshape(nR, nT, nP) Vs = df["Vs"].values.reshape(nR, nT, nP) self._Vp = Vp self._Vs = Vs return(self)
def to_DataFrame(self): df = pd.DataFrame().from_dict({"R": self._nodes[...,0].flatten(), "T": self._nodes[...,1].flatten(), "P": self._nodes[...,2].flatten(), "Vp": self._Vp.flatten(), "Vs": self._Vs.flatten()}) df["lat"] = df["lon"] = df["depth"] = np.nan geo = _coords.as_spherical(df[["R", "T", "P"]]).to_geographic() df.loc[:, ["lat", "lon", "depth"]] = geo df = df.sort_values(["lat", "lon", "depth"]).reset_index() return(df[["lat", "lon", "depth", "Vp", "Vs", "R", "T", "P"]])
[docs] def __call__(self, phase, lat, lon, depth): """ Return **phase**-velocity at given coordinates. A NULL value (-1) is returned for points above the surface. :param str phase: phase :param float lat: latitude :param float lon: longitude :param float depth: depth :returns: **phase**-velocity at (**lat**, **lon**, **depth**) :rtype: float """ rho, theta, phi = _coords.as_geographic([lat, lon, depth]).to_spherical() return(self._get_V(phase, rho, theta, phi))
def save(self, outf): np.savez(outf, nodes=self._nodes, Vp=self._Vp, Vs=self._Vs) def _read_npz(self, inf): inf = np.load(inf) self._nodes = _coords.as_spherical(inf["nodes"]) self._Vp = inf["Vp"] self._Vs = inf["Vs"] def _read_ucvm(self, inf, Vp_key="cmb_vp", Vs_key="cmb_vs"): names=["lon", "lat", "Z", "surf", "vs30", "crustal", "cr_vp", "cr_vs", "cr_rho", "gtl", "gtl_vp", "gtl_vs", "gtl_rho", "cmb_algo", "cmb_vp", "cmb_vs", "cmb_rho"] df = pd.read_table(inf, delim_whitespace=True, header=None, names=names) df["depth"] = df["Z"]*1e-3 df["Vp"] = df[Vp_key]*1e-3 df["Vs"] = df[Vs_key]*1e-3 df["R"] = df["T"] = df["P"] = np.nan spher = _coords.as_geographic(df[["lat", "lon", "depth"]] ).to_spherical() df.loc[:, ["R", "T", "P"]] = spher df = df.sort_values(["R", "T", "P"]) nR = len(df.drop_duplicates("R")) nT = len(df.drop_duplicates("T")) nP = len(df.drop_duplicates("P")) nodes = df[["R", "T", "P"]].values.reshape(nR, nT, nP, 3) self._nodes = _coords.as_spherical(nodes) Vp = df["Vp"].values.reshape(nR, nT, nP) Vs = df["Vs"].values.reshape(nR, nT, nP) self._Vp = Vp self._Vs = Vs def _read_fang(self, inf): with open(inf) as inf: lon = np.array([float(v) for v in inf.readline().split()]) lat = np.array([float(v) for v in inf.readline().split()]) depth = np.array([float(v) for v in inf.readline().split()]) LAT, LON, DEPTH = np.meshgrid(lat, lon, depth, indexing="ij") VVp = np.zeros(LAT.shape) VVs = np.zeros(LAT.shape) for idepth in range(len(depth)): for ilat in range(len(lat)): VVp[ilat, :, idepth] = np.array([float(v) for v in inf.readline().split()]) for idepth in range(len(depth)): for ilat in range(len(lat)): VVs[ilat, :, idepth] = np.array([float(v) for v in inf.readline().split()]) spher = _coords.as_geographic(np.stack([LAT.flatten(), LON.flatten(), DEPTH.flatten()], axis=1) ).to_spherical() df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({"R": spher[:,0], "T": spher[:,1], "P": spher[:,2], "Vp": VVp.flatten(), "Vs": VVs.flatten()}) df = df.sort_values(["R", "T", "P"]) nR = len(df.drop_duplicates("R")) nT = len(df.drop_duplicates("T")) nP = len(df.drop_duplicates("P")) self._nodes = df[["R", "T", "P"]].values.reshape(nR, nT, nP, 3) Vp = df["Vp"].values.reshape(nR, nT, nP) Vs = df["Vs"].values.reshape(nR, nT, nP) self._Vp = Vp self._Vs = Vs def _get_V(self, phase: str, rho: float, theta: float, phi: float)->float: phase = _verify_phase(phase) if phase == "P": VV = self._Vp elif phase == "S": VV = self._Vs else: raise(ValueError(f"Unrecognized phase type: {phase}")) idx = np.nonzero(self._nodes[:,0,0,0] == rho)[0] if idx.size > 0: iR0, iR1 = idx[0], idx[0] else: idxl = np.nonzero(self._nodes[:,0,0,0] < rho)[0] idxr = np.nonzero(self._nodes[:,0,0,0] > rho)[0] if not np.any(idxl): iR0, iR1 = 0, 0 elif not np.any(idxr): iR0, iR1 = -1, -1 else: iR0, iR1 = idxl[-1], idxr[0] if iR0 == iR1: dR, drho = 1, 0 else: dR = self._nodes[iR1,0,0,0]-self._nodes[iR0,0,0,0] drho = (rho - self._nodes[iR0,0,0,0]) idx = np.nonzero(self._nodes[0,:,0,1] == theta)[0] if idx.size > 0: iT0, iT1 = idx[0], idx[0] else: idxl = np.nonzero(self._nodes[0,:,0,1] < theta)[0] idxr = np.nonzero(self._nodes[0,:,0,1] > theta)[0] if not np.any(idxl): iT0, iT1 = 0, 0 elif not np.any(idxr): iT0, iT1 = -1, -1 else: iT0, iT1 = idxl[-1], idxr[0] if iT0 == iT1: dT, dtheta = 1, 0 else: dT = self._nodes[0,iT1,0,1]-self._nodes[0,iT0,0,1] dtheta = (theta - self._nodes[0,iT0,0,1]) idx = np.nonzero(self._nodes[0,0,:,2] == phi)[0] if idx.size > 0: iP0, iP1 = idx[0], idx[0] else: idxl = np.nonzero(self._nodes[0,0,:,2] < phi)[0] idxr = np.nonzero(self._nodes[0,0,:,2] > phi)[0] if not np.any(idxl): iP0, iP1 = 0, 0 elif not np.any(idxr): iP0, iP1 = -1, -1 else: iP0, iP1 = idxl[-1], idxr[0] if iP0 == iP1: dP, dphi = 1, 0 else: dP = self._nodes[0,0,iP1,2]-self._nodes[0,0,iP0,2] dphi = (phi - self._nodes[0,0,iP0,2]) V000 = VV[iR0,iT0,iP0] V001 = VV[iR0,iT0,iP1] V010 = VV[iR0,iT1,iP0] V011 = VV[iR0,iT1,iP1] V100 = VV[iR1,iT0,iP0] V101 = VV[iR1,iT0,iP1] V110 = VV[iR1,iT1,iP0] V111 = VV[iR1,iT1,iP1] V00 = V000 + (V100 - V000)*drho/dR V01 = V001 + (V101 - V001)*drho/dR V10 = V010 + (V110 - V010)*drho/dR V11 = V011 + (V111 - V011)*drho/dR V0 = V00 + (V10 - V00)*dtheta/dT V1 = V01 + (V11 - V01)*dtheta/dT V = V0 + (V1 - V0)*dphi/dP return(V) def regrid(self, R, T, P): Vp = np.empty(shape=R.shape) Vs = np.empty(shape=R.shape) for store, phase, index in ((Vp, "Vp", 0), (Vs, "Vs", 1)): for (ir, it, ip) in [(ir, it, ip) for ir in range(R.shape[0]) for it in range(T.shape[1]) for ip in range(P.shape[2])]: r, theta, phi = R[ir, it, ip], T[ir, it, ip], P[ir, it, ip] store[ir, it, ip] = self._get_V(r, theta, phi, phase) self.values["Vp"] = Vp self.values["Vs"] = Vs self.nodes["r"], self.nodes["theta"], self.nodes["phi"] = R, T, P self.nodes["nr"] = R.shape[0] self.nodes["ntheta"] = T.shape[1] self.nodes["nphi"] = P.shape[2] self.nodes["dr"] = (R[:,0,0][-1] - R[:,0,0][0]) / (R.shape[0] - 1) self.nodes["dtheta"] = (T[0,:,0][-1] - T[0,:,0][0]) / (T.shape[1] - 1) self.nodes["dphi"] = (P[0,0,:][-1] - P[0,0,:][0]) / (P.shape[2] - 1) self.nodes["r_min"], self.nodes["r_max"] = np.min(R), np.max(R) self.nodes["theta_min"], self.nodes["theta_max"] = np.min(T), np.max(T) self.nodes["phi_min"], self.nodes["phi_max"] = np.min(P), np.max(P) def regularize(self, nr, ntheta, nphi): R, T, P = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(self.nodes["r_min"], self.nodes["r_max"], nr), np.linspace(self.nodes["theta_min"], self.nodes["theta_max"], ntheta), np.linspace(self.nodes["phi_min"], self.nodes["phi_max"], nphi), indexing="ij") self.regrid(R, T, P)
[docs] def slice(self, phase, lat0, lon0, azimuth, length, dmin, dmax, nx, nd): """ Return a vertical slice from velocity model with section-parallel offset and depth coordinates. :param str phase: phase velocity to retrieve :param float lat0: latitude of center point of section trace **{Units:** *degrees*, **Range:** *[-90, 90]*\ **}** :param float lon0: longitude of center point of section trace **{Units:** *degrees*, **Range:** *[-180, 180]*\ **}** :param float azimuth: azimuth of section trace **{Units:** *degrees*, **Range:** *(-inf, inf)*\ **}** :param float length: length of section trace **{Units:** *degrees*\ **}** :param float dmin: minimum depth of section **{Units:** *km*\ **}** :param float dmax: maximum depth of section **{Units:** *km*\ **}** :param int nx: number of nodes in section-parallel direction :param int nd: number of nodes in depth :returns: phase velocity values and coordinates of vertical section :rtype: (`numpy.ndarray`, `numpy.ndarray`, `numpy.ndarray`) .. code-block:: python import matplotlib.pyplot as plt topo = seispy.topography.Topography("data/") vm = seispy.velocity.VelocityModel("data/vmodel.dat", "FANG", topo=topo) X, Y, V = vm.slice("P", 33.5, -116.0, 302, 150/111, -5, 25, 100, 100) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) im = ax.pcolormesh(X, Y, V, cmap=plt.get_cmap("hsv")) ax.set_xlabel("Section-parallel offset [degrees]") ax.set_ylabel("Depth [km]") ax.invert_yaxis() cbar = ax.get_figure().colorbar(im, ax=ax) cbar.set_label("Vp [km/s]") .. image:: VelocityModel.png """ (lon1, lat1), (lon2, lat2) = _geometry.get_line_endpoints(lat0, lon0, azimuth, length) DEPTH = np.linspace(dmin, dmax, nd) LAT = np.linspace(lat1, lat2, nx) LON = np.linspace(lon1, lon2, nx) V = np.empty(shape=(len(DEPTH), len(LAT))) X = np.empty(shape=V.shape) Y = np.empty(shape=V.shape) for i in range(nx): for j in range(nd): lat, lon, depth = LAT[i], LON[i], DEPTH[j] V[i, j] = self(phase, lat, lon, depth) X[i, j] = _geometry.distance((lat1, lon1), (lat, lon)) Y[i, j] = depth V =, -1) return(X, Y, V)
def _verify_phase(phase: str)->str: if phase.upper() == "P" or phase.upper() == "VP": phase = "P" elif phase.upper() == "S" or phase.upper() == "VS": phase = "S" else: raise(ValueError("invalid phase type - {}".format(phase))) return(phase) def test(): #vm = VelocityModel("/Users/malcolcw/Projects/Wavefront/examples/example2/", "fmm3d") #grid = vm.v_type_grids[1][1]["grid"] #print(vm(1, 3, 0.5, 0.5, 0)) #vm.v_type_grids[1][1] #print(v("Vp", 33.0, -116.9, 3.0)) vm = VelocityModel("/Users/malcolcw/Projects/Shared/Velocity/FANG2016/original/VpVs.dat", "fang") with open("/Users/malcolcw/Projects/Wavefront/pywrap/example5/", "w") as outf: outf.write(str(vm)) if __name__ == "__main__": test() print(" is not an executable script.") exit()