
This example demonstrates how to use the pykonal.solver.PointSourceSolver class.

import numpy as np
import pykonal

solver = pykonal.solver.PointSourceSolver(coord_sys="spherical")

# Define a simple computational grid.
solver.velocity.min_coords = 1., 0, 0
solver.velocity.node_intervals = 1, np.pi/31, np.pi/31
solver.velocity.npts = 32, 32, 62
solver.velocity.values = 5 + np.random.rand(*solver.velocity.npts)

# Initialize the source location with a random location within the
# computational grid.
delta = solver.velocity.max_coords - solver.velocity.min_coords
solver.src_loc = np.random.rand(3) * delta + solver.velocity.min_coords

# Compute traveltimes.